A:Although having a tooth pulled is usually very safe, the procedure can allow harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Gum tissue is also at risk of infection. If you have a condition that puts you at high risk for developing a severe infection, you may need to take antibiotics before and after the extraction.
    A:Rest and Recovery. Rest for at least two days after oral surgery. Physical activity is not recommended for 2 to 3 days after your surgery. Typically, you should be able to resume normal daily activities within 48 hours after surgery.
    A:Elevate the head for three days. After a surgery to remove wisdom teeth, keep the head and upper body elevated at a 45-degree angle for three days. This way, the blood vessel tone and blood volume near the tooth extraction flows downward instead of pooling in the surgical area
    A: Such like other dental surgery treatment. Doctor will premedication with pain-killer and antibiotics to reduce and also anesthesia. Patient might feel a bit uncomfortable after bone graft for 1-2 days
    A:The bone graft dental procedure takes between 45-90 minutes and is performed in your dentist’s clinic. The initial recovery period lasts about two weeks. Following the bone graft procedure, the waiting time until a solid bone mass is received is between 3-6 months, in most clinical cases.
    Patients who are well prepared for their surgery usually end up having a smoother recovery. We advise our patients to plan ahead and by some soft food items prior to surgery. Soft foods may be recommended by your oral surgeon after these procedures : Dental Implants , Bone Grafting for Implants, Ridge Augmentation, Sinus Lift, Wisdom Teeth, Teeth-in-an-Hour, Impacted Canines, Orthognathic (Jaw) Surgery The following are some examples of soft food items to be consumed following surgery such as Wisdom Teeth Removal or Dental Implant Placement, for example:
  • Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
  • Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape ), avoid citrus juices for a few days
  • Herbal Tea
  • Jell-O
  • Yogurt ( soft or frozen )
  • Pudding/Custard
  • Soft fruits ( banana, papaya, berries, canned peaches or pears )
  • Applesauce
  • Popsicles
  • Ice cream and milkshakes
  • Fresh cooked vegetables
  • Fruit smoothies/protein shakes
  • Oatmeal/cream of wheat
  • Eggs ( scrambled, soft boiled, egg salad )
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Rice, Risotto
  • Tofu
  • Pasta ( plain or with sauce )
  • Fish ( soft white fish, sole, trout )
  • Please AVOID the following foods for the first week following surgery:
  • Spicy Foods
  • Foods that are difficult to chew ( steak, poultry, deli meats)
  • Popcorn, pretzels, potato chips
  • Crusty breads, bagels, cookies
  • Alcoholic beverages