Steps for Cool Light Whitening – The Ivory Dental Clinic

Cool light teeth whitening

Another selection of in-office teeth whitening with offer more budget compare to Zoom teeth whitening. You 

will get 5 -8 shade whiter teeth within 45 minutes – 1 hour.

Whitening Descriptions Step by Step

1.Dentist will compare teeth color before cool light teeth whitening.

2.Dentis polish your teeth surface for the most effect whitening program.

3.Apply the vaseline on your lips before wearing the oral gate.

4.The oral gate wearing is comfortable tool to help open the mouth 30 minutes.

5.Dry your teeth and gum before apply the whitening gel.

6.The dentist will protect your gum with gum barrier, dental dam.

7.Light the gum barrier.

8.Oral preparation.

9.Apply the teeth whitening gel before cool lighting.

10.Teeth whitening gel.

11.Cool Light machine preparation.

12.Cool Light teeth whitening take time 45 mins – 1 hour

13.Stop every 15 minutes for 3 – 4 cycles up to patient initial teeth shade

14.Remove the gel before starting whitening program again.

15.Dry mouth again.

16.Cool light teeth whitening gel preparation.

17.Apply the teeth whitening gel again.

18.Cool Light Whitening again.

19.Stop the teeth whitening procedure after 30 minutes.

20.Remove the teeth whitening gel.

21.Remove dental dam from your mouth.

22.Remove dental dam and clean.

23.Compare teeth color after COOL LIGHT TEETH WHITENING


    A: The only side effect of teeth whitening is sensitity. It is just temparary side effect during treatment and after that around one week.
    A:Generally 1 year or more. But if patient intake stain food or drink such tea, coffee, red wine a lot or even smoking it could be less than 1 year.
    A:Anyone who got yellow teeth from smoking, tea, coffee, red wine or other staining dietary except from medicine. You could consult our dentist for these.