Endodontic therapy is a treatment for infection in dental pulp, root canal and apical area of the root. The causation of infection is mainly from dental caries, tooth fracture, chipped tooth or crack tooth. Without treatment, the infection could spread to the apical bone and lead to bone and surrounding tissue destruction.
Symptoms: Toothache, tooth sensitivity with or without external trigger.
Endodontic therapy sequences
Periapical x-ray
Removal of pulp tissue
Cleaning , shaping and decontamination of root canal. This step might have to repeat to clear out the infection
Filling the root canal
Restoration with post,core and crown:
What needed to do after root canal treatment
Root canal treated tooth normally loss substantial of tooth structure, which make it prone to fracture. This brittle tooth with potential fracture is recommended to restore with post and crown.Regular check up every 6 months or by the appointment
Possible symptoms during the treatment
At the beginning of the treatment, patients might experience pain and sensitivity. Taking painkillers could ease the pain but these symptoms would normally disappear after the treatment.
Post operative care
Before permanent restoration made, treated tooth is weak and brittle. Patients should refrain from chewing hard and sticky food. If possible, try not to chew on that side.
Treatment time
It depends on the complexity of root canal. Normally it will take around 2-3 visits but in some cases it could be done in 1 visit.