Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed to increase crown length by removing gum and bone for the purpose of restoring the tooth. It is performed when the remaining tooth structure cannot give enough retention for prosthesis (crown or bridge).
It is also performed in gummy smile patient to increase crown length for esthetic.
Crown lengthening can be necessary if there isn’t enough of the tooth in place to hold the crown on its own. Teeth that are broken or affected by tooth decay may prohibit a crown from firmly attaching.
Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty
Gingivectomy is a surgical removal of the gum margin to reduce pocket depth. The purpose is to ease cleaning for the patients.
Gingivoplasty is a surgical reshaping of the gum to correct deformities and for esthetic purpose.
Gingival Graft
Gingival graft is a surgical procedure to cover exposed root surfaces for aesthetic reasons. However, the success rates vary.
The recovery process
The recovery time for this procedure is approximately three months. However, you’ll be able to resume normal functions as your gums heal. You only need to avoid strenuous activity for the first two to three days. A physically demanding job, heavy lifting, and heavy exertion could inhibit your healing and cause more bleeding.
Talk to your surgeon about the specifics of your recovery. In general, follow these guidelines:
Use an ice pack: Using a pack on your face for the first few hours after the procedure can reduce swelling. Alternate use of the ice pack, following 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. You may switch to moist heat a couple days after surgery.
Avoid hot foods for the first 24 hours: Also, don’t rinse your mouth. Both can make the bleeding last longer. If bleeding continues, use a moistened tea bag or moistened gauze to apply slight pressure to the area for 20 to 30 minutes.
Leave dressings in for 7 to 14 days: The doctor may replace the dressing once or twice during this period.
Brush carefully: Gently brush only your biting surfaces where the dressing has been applied. Brush and floss normally in other areas. Chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the dressing.
Wear your stent or denture: If wearing a clear stent or upper denture was included in your instructions, don’t remove it for 24 hours. If your mouth pools with blood, rinse with lukewarm saltwater or Chlorhexidine rinse, without removing the stent or denture. After 24 hours, you may wear it as desired.
Eat a soft food diet: Avoid the surgical area when you eat. Also, don’t eat anything hard, brittle, acidic, spicy, sticky, or highly seasoned. Avoid nuts and small seeds. Drink plenty of fluids.
Avoid alcohol: Refrain from drinking until after your post-op appointment.
Avoid smoking: Refrain from smoking for the first 7 to 10 days or longer.
Avoid prodding the area: Avoid using straws and playing with the surgical site with your tongue or finger. Don’t pull down your lip to check the site, as the pressure can cause damage.
A:Your periodontist will perform the crown lengthening during an outpatient procedure. This means you can go home afterward. The time the procedure takes varies depending on the number of teeth that need the procedure and if both soft tissue and bone need to be removed. If you have a temporary crown on any of your neighboring teeth, your periodontist may remove them before the procedure and replace them afterward.
Most people receive local anesthesia and may receive a sedative as well. The periodontist cuts the gums to pull them away from the teeth, exposing the roots and bone. In some cases, only the gum tissue needs to be removed. The surgeon then washes the surgical area with salt water before suturing. They suture the gums back together, sometimes placing a bandage over the area for additional protection.
You will feel some pain after the local anesthesia wears off, so your surgeon will prescribe you pain relievers and a specialized mouth rinse to help your gums heal.
A:Yes, it is in periodontitis. The treatment, also called scaling and root planing, removes plaque and bacteria below the gums to prevent bone loss that can loosen teeth and complicated medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease
A:During the teeth scaling process, your dentist or dental hygienist will numb the gums and tooth roots with a local anesthesia,but teeth scaling and root planing cause very little discomfort. Your dentist or dental hygienist will use specialized tools to remove the hardened deposits of plaque buildup (tartar) from the teeth both above and below the gum line.Root planing involves smoothing rough spots on the roots of the teeth that can promote gum disease by trapping andholding bacteria.
The whole procedure may be done in a single visit, although generally a quadrant (1/4th of the mouth) or half of the mouth is recommended per appointment. After a scaling and planing, you can expect that your gums will be numb from the anesthesia and then possibly a little tender. But if you maintain a consistent oral health routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing, your gums should quickly regain a firm, healthy, pink appearance.
A:The objective for periodontal scaling and root planing is to remove dental plaque and calculus (tartar), which house bacteria that release toxins which cause inflammation to the gum tissue and surrounding bone. Planing often removes some of the cementum or dentine from the tooth.
A:After scaling and root planing is completed, you may experience slight discomfort around the teeth for several days and increased sensitivity to hot and cold (and sometimes sweets) for up to four to six weeks duration. This is a normal course of healing.
A:Is Deep Cleaning Painful? Generally, deep cleaning is not expected to cause much discomfort because it is a noninvasive procedure. However, the level of pain you will feel while it is being done will all depend on your tolerance and the severity of your plaque build-up.
A:What to Expect After a Deep Cleaning Treatment After a deep cleaning procedure, you can expect your gums and teeth to be a bit sensitive for a few days. Sticking to soft foods and avoiding overly hot or cold beverages can help ease the discomfort.
A:Taking good care of your teeth after a deep cleaning treatment helps your gums heal by reducing the common triggers of pain and sensitivity. Wait at least a day before flossing, and brush your teeth carefully with a soft-bristled toothbrush while your gums are still sore.
A:Dental scaling is the most common non-surgical way to treat gum disease, which is also known as periodontitis. This will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and help your gums regain health. But If you have severe periodontal disease and your condition may require gum surgery, your dentist and periodontist may recommend scaling and root planing before the surgery, as well as a thorough teeth-cleaning prior to the procedure.