Orthognathic surgery refers to “straightening of the jaw(s) using surgery” [ortho – straight, gnathic – jaw(s)]. Whereas orthodontic treatment corrects the position of the teeth, orthognathic surgery positions the bones of the jaws (maxilla/mandible). One or both jaws may be surgically repositioned during one operation. This involves making cuts (osteotomies) in the bones and moving the cut segments into their predetermined position under a general anaesthetic. The surgery is normally preceded by a period of orthodontic treatment so that postoperatively both the teeth and the bones will be in their correct position. Finally, a short period of orthodontic treatment is then usually required to complete the alignment of the teeth.
Advantages of jaw sugery
Improve facial profile which cannot be done by orthodontic treatment alone
Correct malocclusion
Reduce snoring in lower jaw discrepancy patient
Correct lip incompetent
Improve patient self confidence
Who performs orthognathic surgery?
Corrective Jaw Surgery. Corrective jaw surgery – also called orthognathic surgery – is performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) to correct a wide range of minor and major skeletal and dental irregularities, including the misalignment of jaws and teeth. Surgery can improve chewing, speaking and breathing.
How dangerous is jaw surgery?
With orthognathic surgery, the major risks include bleeding; poor blood supply to the osteotomized jaw segments; infection; unfavourable bone cuts/splits; permanent numbness/tingling to lips, cheeks, and/or teeth; incorrect positioning of the jaws/segments; jaw joint problems; and damage to teeth.
Is orthognathic surgery painful?
During the surgery, you shouldn’t feel anything. After the surgery, some patients say it’s about as bad as getting your wisdom teeth taken out, except the swelling is a bit more. You likely will be sore and take prescription pain medication
A:Although having a tooth pulled is usually very safe, the procedure can allow harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Gum tissue is also at risk of infection. If you have a condition that puts you at high risk for developing a severe infection, you may need to take antibiotics before and after the extraction.
A:Rest and Recovery. Rest for at least two days after oral surgery. Physical activity is not recommended for 2 to 3 days after your surgery. Typically, you should be able to resume normal daily activities within 48 hours after surgery.
A:Elevate the head for three days. After a surgery to remove wisdom teeth, keep the head and upper body elevated at a 45-degree angle for three days. This way, the blood vessel tone and blood volume near the tooth extraction flows downward instead of pooling in the surgical area
A: Such like other dental surgery treatment. Doctor will premedication with pain-killer and antibiotics to reduce and also anesthesia. Patient might feel a bit uncomfortable after bone graft for 1-2 days
A:The bone graft dental procedure takes between 45-90 minutes and is performed in your dentist’s clinic. The initial recovery period lasts about two weeks. Following the bone graft procedure, the waiting time until a solid bone mass is received is between 3-6 months, in most clinical cases.
Patients who are well prepared for their surgery usually end up having a smoother recovery. We advise our patients to plan ahead and by some soft food items prior to surgery.
Soft foods may be recommended by your oral surgeon after these procedures : Dental Implants , Bone Grafting for Implants, Ridge Augmentation, Sinus Lift, Wisdom Teeth, Teeth-in-an-Hour, Impacted Canines, Orthognathic (Jaw) Surgery
The following are some examples of soft food items to be consumed following surgery such as Wisdom Teeth Removal or Dental Implant Placement, for example:
Hearty soups ( cream of asparagus, lentil, minestrone, split pea )
Juices ( cranberry, apple, grape ), avoid citrus juices for a few days